Subject: XDEMO: V1.0 Multiplication Table Author: Michael L. White Uploaded By: Cherrykey Date: 9/24/1998 File: XDEMO10.EXE (58972 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 161 Needs: DOS 5.0 or higher Keywords: White, Practice, Multiply, Times, DOS Type: Shareware Demo This is a DEMO version of "My Multiplication’s 1.0". With this program, you can practice your multiplication skills. However, to encourage you to order the full version, only the Ones, Twos, Five’s, Tens, and Eleven’s times tables are available to you in this DEMO version. To order the full version, print, cut, complete, and mail the order form found in the README.TXT document, then mail it to the author with your full payment. Now, here's how the program works. When you get the right answer to a multiplication problem, you receive a congratulatory, textual remark on-screen. If you miss a problem, you can choose to try again and again until you get it right, or you can choose to see the correct answer and proceed to the next problem. Upon completing each table, you will hear a portion of a tune played as a celebratory conclusion. If you need to quit the program in the middle of practicing a table, simply press the ESC key then the ENTER key and follow the on-screen instructions. NOTE: For this function to work, however, make sure your CAPS and NUM LOCK keys are OFF during the program's operation. Once you've downloaded the self-extracting zip file, XDEMO10.EXE, onto your hard drive, create a directory named XTABLES (or one of your own choosing), then move the XDEMO10.EXE file to that directory and double-click it to unzip it. When the unzip process is complete, double-click the README.TXT file to learn more about "My Multiplication’s 1.0 DEMO", including how to order the full version of "My Multiplication’s 1.0". You may choose to run "My Multiplication’s 1.0 DEMO" in either of three ways: First, go to the DOS prompt, change directories to the one where you installed "My Multiplication’s 1.0 DEMO", then type in the word XDEMO, and the program will start automatically for you. Second, you may start "My Multiplication’s 1.0 DEMO" from within Windows either by choosing Run from the Start menu (in Win95) and typing in the directory and filename or by double-clicking XDEMO.EXE (the executable file for "My Multiplication’s 1.0 DEMO") in either Windows Explorer (Win95) or File Manager (Win3.x). Once you start the program, just follow the on-screen instructions to continue. Third, you may start File Manager (Win3.x) or Windows Explorer (Win95), then resize its window so that you can see a vacant space on your computer's on-screen desktop (Win95). For Win3.x, create/choose a Program Group into which to place an icon for "My Multiplication’s 1.0 DEMO". Next, "drag and drop" the XDEMO.EXE file onto your desktop/Program Group to create an icon shortcut. Double-click the shortcut to start the program. Even though this is an MS-DOS based program, it will work with Windows 3.1 and/or Windows 95. To install, run: XDEMO10.EXE To run, enter: XDEMO.EXE Documentation: README.TXT